How Yadav’s Clan Vanished?
It is said that Lord Krishna had a desire for an extraordinary son, just like Lord Shiva. To appease Lord Shiva, Krishna meditated for years. When Shiva was pleased, Krishna sought to be blessed with a son like Shiva himself. Krishna wanted a son who had the destructive powers of Shiva as he could foresee the decline of the Yadava’s who would be needed to be eliminated in future. Soon Jambavati gave birth to a son, who was named Samba, after the name of Shiva.
Once, three great sages came to Lord Krishna’s palace in Dwaraka. Krishna was resting. When he was informed of their arrival, he said, “Please tell them that I shall be there in a short while. In the meantime, let them be welcomed with proper respect and devotion.” Unfortunately, over the years, Krishna’s relatives and others who were close to him had become very undivine. Because they were dear to Krishna, they used to get everything. As a result, they became corrupted by the pleasure life. They used to drink and quarrel and do all kinds of unthinkable things. A few members of Krishna’s immediate family did not have any respect for the sages and saints who came to pay homage to Krishna. These relatives felt that as long as they had Krishna, it was enough. To them, all other spiritual people were as worthless as straw. Krishna’s son, Samba, was famous for his pranks. Even though he was no longer a child, he and some other young men decided to play a practical joke on the sages. Samba’s friends tied an earthen pot on his stomach and dressed him in a nice sari. Then they brought him before the sages. The young men said to the sages, “This woman is with child. Please, before Krishna comes, can you tell us whether she will give birth to a boy or a girl?” Since the sages had occult vision, they immediately saw that the young men were mocking them. They became furious. “You are Krishna’s relatives! You, Samba, is his own son! You dare to make fun of us! Yes, this ‘woman’ will give birth, but she will give birth to an iron lump. It will bring about the destruction of Krishna’s entire clan. You have no respect for spiritual people. We are great sages and you have mocked us.”
At that moment, Krishna entered the hall. He was so sad to hear the curse of the sages. At the same time, he knew that his relatives deserved it. The sages also felt sorry that they had uttered such a dreadful curse, but they could not withdraw it. In spite of this unfortunate turn of events, Krishna stayed and had a long talk with the sages, and they received Krishna’s blessings. Krishna was beyond, beyond everything. He advised them and illumined them, and then the sages departed. In due course, the curse came true and Krishna’s son gave birth to a heavy iron chunk. Samba and his cousins realised that their destruction was imminent. Akroora immediately ordered, “Grind the mace to a fine powder and cast it into the seas.” The Yadavas nodded and retreated. Akroora cast his gaze at Krishna, his eyes full of questions. Krishna simply smiled back. “The wheels of time are turning Uncle”, he said, “and Samba has played his part perfectly.” He left without another word.“What did he mean by that?” asked Ugrasena. “I can tell you that, father.” Ugrasena turned around to the source of voice – Rukmini. “Thirty-six year ago, Krishna prayed to Shiva for a son like him…A son like the god of destruction! Krishna wanted Samba to aid in destruction…” And even more slowly, her voice down several levels, she uttered, “Gandhari’s curse. The time for her curse to act has arrived. A reward for her devotion in him.” Leaving Akroora agape, Rukmini left.
Outside the palace, the Yadavas had obeyed Akroora’s command to the dot. They had ground the mace finely. Everything was ground except a sharp triangular piece which appeared to be very hard indeed. And then they had thrown the fine powder and the lone piece into the sea. Happy that they had taken care of the matter so easily, they returned back to their general state of intoxication and bliss. Time rolled by. The triangular piece of the mace was swallowed by a fish. The fish was caught by a hunter, who upon finding the piece in the fish’s entrails immediately used it to craft a fine poisonous arrow. The fine powder, on the other hand, washed back ashore and deposited itself by the beautiful coast of Dwaraka. A certain grass grew in lush abundance in the area where the powder was deposited. Everything was set for the final showdown.The Yadavas soon forgot all about their curses. The consumption of alcohol was banned in the entire kingdom of Dwaraka. However, after 36 years of Mahabharat war, lots of omen used to appear in the Dwaraka city. The Sudarshana chakra, Panchajanya shankh, the chariot of lord Krishna and the plough weapon of Balarama disappeared from the earth. One day, the Yadavas gathered on the beach.

The liquor that they drank made them lose their senses completely.They started teasing one another, bringing up the gory pasts and gruesome mistakes of each other. Satyaki and Krithavarma acted as the starting points of the doom of Dwaraka. Satyaki had fought on Pandava’s side in the battle of Kurukshetra and Krithavarma, on the Kaurava side. They taunted one another, bringing back memories of the horrific war. In a fit of rage, Satyaki, jumped on Krithaverma and cut his head off. The friends of Krithavarma pounced on Satyaki and a great brawl followed. As the Yadavas had come to the sea shore for a pleasure, they did not carry any weapons along with them. They saw the long grown grass in abundance along the sea shore. They picked up the grass stems and beat and killed each other. Those grass stems are nothing but blades made of the powder of the same lump of Iron born to Samba. Thus the curse of saints fructified.Each blade of grass became a mace, smashing into the Yadavas, killing them instantly. It was a matter of moments before the Yadavas lay dead, killed by their own clan members and in front of their very King. Except Krishna, all Yadavas were killed.
While the Krishna himself was killed Jara,the hunter who had received that triangular piece of metal from the fish belly and craved it into arrow.That arrow was finally shot by Jara On Krishna who assumed Krishna as some animal while he was meditating under the tree.
[Source: Speakingtree ]