How Ravana got Lanka?
We all know that Ravana was the king of Lanka, which was the golden city and best fortified and the wealthiest city in the world but few among of us would know how Ravana become the king of the Lanka.How did Lanka come into existence and how did Ravana know about it when he was the son of a sage(rishi.)Now to answer all these questions we have to look back in the history.
Ravana was the son of sage Vishrava and grandson of Sage Pulastya and great grandson of lord Brahma.Vishrava had two wives : Mandakini and Kaikasi .Mandakini had a son named ‘Kubera’.Kubera was the god of wealth.There is always a misconception among people that Lakshmi is the goddess of the wealth , but in reality, Kubera is the god of wealth while Lakshmi is the goddess of fortune .While we generally associate fortune with the wealth; that’s why this misconception arises.
Kubera who is also called ‘Dhanpati’ was once ruler of Lanka given by the Lord Brahma from where he could work on his wealth management among the people.He was also gifted “ Pushpak Vimana”, a flying chariot which was created by Vishwakarma who was the architecture of the gods on the instruction of lord Brahma. Kubera is also the guardian of one of the eight directions of the globe, North.
One day when Kubera came to meet his father Vishrava with all his majestic style and grandeur flying in his chariot ‘Pushpak Viman’.Ravana on seeing this was struck and asked his mother “who is this fellow and from where did he get that majestic Vimana ”.Kaikasi replied that he is none other than your step brother ‘Kubera’. Kaikasi being the daughter of the demon king couldn’t control her anger and lust and told Ravana “Kubera had made his mother proud be his conduct and grandeur while your existence does not count.You are no better than an insect”. This irked Ravana who decided to show his mother that he is no less than anyone else.
He along with his brothers moved to a forest to perform deep penance to lord Brahma to get a boon from him.After thousand of years of his hard penance ,lord Brahma appeared and gave him the boon of invincibility .This made Ravana proud of his prowess and he started tormenting Kubera.He at last ,drove out Kubera from the Lanka and also snatched ‘Pushpak Vimana’ from him.Then he requested his father and mother to came along with him to Lanka while his father refused to go along with him while his mother kaikasi agreed as it was her direful wish to live in luxury and wealth which she couldn’t have while leaving with his husband Vishrava who was a sage. Thus Ravana became the king of the Lanka .
Kubera went to mount Kailasha after being defeated by his stepbrother Ravana and performed deep penance to lord Brahma , who awarded him with a palace with most beautiful garden of the world named ‘Alkapuri’ in Mount Mandara and later lord shiva awarded him the lordship of all Yakshas and a guardianship of the North direction(dik-pala).